Friday, June 25, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Lugar Comun
Project. photograph, film, questionaire, 50 pairs of women, The woman who hires the other and the woman who works for the other.

The questionaire a clipboard set what felt like 90 in off the ground gave me a neck cramp, despite that I kept reading. It was really interesting with questions like ¨What book is on your bedside table?¨ to more prying ones like ¨When did you lose your virginity?¨ ¨How many abortions or miscarriages have you had?¨
I don´t know about everybody else but i´m really interested in the answers not only for creepy comparison purposes but because of how life stories are immediately created in my head after seeing a woman´s answers.

I want to reiterate the first word I use to describe ´Lugar Comun´ and thats project. which means that the socio economic, interpersonal, feminine aspects did not fold in with a particular point of view but rather like an anthropological study mounted on foam-core.

Galeria AFA

santiago- pasaje phillips 16

Beautiful gallery space in downtown Santiago. All photographic work save for the paper mache woman getting head from a goose. Main exhibition by Paloma Villalobos packed a punch in is color but overall left me wanting more. The picture of interesting debris around Berlin compositional tension. The picture taken with the care and standard of an early 1900´s photostudio.
In the KM O wall Javiera Infante explores her fainting in auto-erotic moda d´art. Really well made prints in colors that catch your eye and keep you in a chromagenic sugar high until you see the limp body strewn along the frame.
The office area presented the most interesting work, keeping the goose company of course. Coffeetable height reverse video of blow in the shape of a condor? quetzal? some kind of ´indian´ bird. The other mention is for a duo whose name I must lookup but large scale black&whites of 40´s film noir -ish office with a dig.projection of an exterior space.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

René Combeau

museo de arte contemporaneo´
Exihibition on the mianlevel of the museum in a spiral temporary exhibition space. The pride of highlighting to facets of chilean culture are clear. Documenting the history of chilean theatre, great actors and preformances was important to Combeau as his devocion the dramatic arts over many years is clear. The pictures do go beyond that. The stage pictures have the quality of film stills the electricity of the preformance as if the you, the audience member are completely emersed in the action of the play.
Combeau´s work is now transformed to a collection of ennactments, the costumes and set designs aren´t great but so highly romanticized for me in the 2000´s.

Combeau an expat in chile made started his career talking pictures in of theatrical productions particularly in univercity theaters. His career took off as an ad photographer he kept up doing the theater work and is qouted to have said that it was the only work worth saving.

exhibition at the national meuseum of contemporary art in santiago

Dia internacional de la Sardana- 16

La Sardana

to the music

Centro Catala, Santiago
with the orfeo

Monday, June 14, 2010

El amor en los tiempos del colera


"Era todavia demasiado joven para saber que la memoria del corazon elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los buenos, y que gracias a ese artificio logramos sobrellevar el pasado."